Why can’t I stop working and retire?

A previous article examined some reasons why people stop work and retire. Amazingly, the list of retirement triggers grew to 13, and there are probably many more:


Let’s flip the narrative and explore a group of people who seem to have no desire to stop working, then find out why. The article above lists enough reasons to conclude that, if you work for someone else, then almost inevitably retirement will come to your door. You may disagree, but at least it lends a foundation to the argument. What next?

The key is to focus on self-employed people. Then the article above is less likely to apply (although it may still). Also, let me be clear on one thing: if there is a financial imperative to keep working then so be it.

The phrase I have heard from self-employed people aged in their 60s is:

“I get so much mental and intellectual stimulation from work, how could I possibly replace that if I retire?”

I can’t quibble with that, as everyone has their own set of priorities, however I can challenge that thinking with some questions:

·       Are you sure that work, after four decades plus, isn’t just a habit?

·       Have you truly looked outside work to seek intellectual stimulation?

·       Is this statement of yours nothing more than an expression of your fear of the unknown?

·       Are you haunted by the fear of failure that may occur if you do retire and find yourself unsatisfied?

·       Aren’t you the least bit curious to see what might happen if you begin to cross the bridge to retirement?

Are these questions you would like to explore further? Why not reach out for a deeper discussion at:


Jon Glass Retirement Coach 64PLUS


A couple at dinner: one is retired, the other still working.