It is critical to have retirement plans, simply because to retire from work forces a search for meaning: your purpose in retirement. 

Watch this video, in which Tracey Spicer interviews me, to find out more about retirement coaching and how it works:

64 PLUS' Coaching to Retirement Service aims to help the individual to create new meaning that lasts for the long and enjoyable decades of retirement.

This coaching service is offered in a series of six sessions personalised to the client, using a process called the 4M Process, which consists of:

MISSING: What aspects of your working life will you miss?

MEASURING: How do you feel about the empty spaces in your diary that retirement can create?

MEANING: How can you discover the needs and values that will underpin your retired life?

MASTERING: How can you put the meaning discovered above into a series of practical outcomes?

As the names imply, this program takes the individual through the various stages of postwork, beginning with a sense of unease and concluding with a feeling of comfort.

The individual outcome may be a dedication to charity work, to golf, to writing that book that always begged to be written, looking after grandchildren; or a combination of these and other activities. Everyone is different in this regard.

Just to be clear, financial advice is NOT part of the service.

Contact Jon for an obligation free chat.