Projecting your retired self into the world

I work as a retirement coach, typically with people on the verge of retirement. I often find myself listening to them as they pose this question (in their own words):

  “Will I still be interesting once I retire?”

This speaks to the issue of image or identity. You certainly had an image/identity when you worked, defined by your job or occupation: dentist, bus driver, wine maker etc.

I’m talking here about image or identity in the sense of how others view you, think about you. Now you can cultivate your image or let it grow by itself, but either way it will project itself into the world.

What about in retirement? Well, like it or not your image will change. At first you may project as a: 

·      Relaxed person who no longer has to wake up at 6 AM on Monday

·      Fun person who can do whatever they want each day

I predict that won’t be enough to satisfy you over the medium term. But here’s the good news. You have the power to define your new image.

So what I suggest is that you start to think about aspects of your work identity that you would like to preserve. Some of these will apply to you: 

·      Being an interesting person

·      Being of value to others

·      Learning new things

·      Participating in your community

·      Mentoring younger people

·      Creating new things *

·      Exploring and travelling.

The choice you make will derive from your deepest sense of self, your needs and wants, your meaning and purpose in retirement.

This passage of self-discovery will enhance your fulfilment in retired life.

*I would add that creative writing doesn’t just happen. Obviously it requires time, energy and dedication. Is that for you?




Legacy in retirement